
Now that you’ve returned, answer the following:

  1. Skills/knowledge I have gained from studying abroad
  2. Things that I miss most from abroad 
  3. Things that I miss least from abroad
  4. Things I enjoy about being home
  5. Ways that I think I have changed
  6. Ways that others think I have changed
  7. Ways that I think others (or our relationships) have changed
  8. My friends/family understand _____________ but do not understand:
  9. New or different ideas I have about America since being abroad
  10. Challenges I am facing being home again
  11. Challenges I overcame when I was abroad
  12. Something I learned about myself
  13. My most memorable experiences from abroad
  14. Lessons I have learned that I do not want to forget
  15. Ways I can use my abroad experience in the future
  16. Things I can do to make myself more comfortable at home
  17. Things I wish I would have known before going abroad

Feel free to share any of your answers below…

1 Comment

One thought on “Reflect

  1. Nicholas Denegre

    I studied abroad in Cape Town, South Africa for 6 months and found it to be an absolutely remarkable experience. The country is beautiful, people are so hospitable, food is phenomenal and their society is just really special.
    While I was there, I visited five countries (South Africa, Lesotho, Zimbabwe, Botswana & Namibia). The experience opened my mind up to so much out there and I really found it to be a compelling and worthwhile experience. There are a couple things such as the driving and lack of water fountains which I found to bother me. People drive a little bit reckless down there and it being Africa, you do not have as much water available as we do in the U.S.A.
    I made so many local friends, it really helped shape the journey to be an authentic and incredible time. I recommend going there because it is really a bit of the beaten path and out of this world. Being an American, I learned to really focus on my pronunciation so that others could understand how I spoke. A half a year is perfect amount of time to stay there. Basically, I did not want to come home!

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